Which franking machine is best for my business?

Which franking machine is best for my business? This is a question that we get asked every day by businesses of all sizes.
Upon starting work with a new customer to assess which franking machine is best for the company in question we usually undertake a full mailroom audit. However if you are at the very early stages in assessing which franking machine is best for you then here are a few tips.
Which franking machine is best for small businesses?
First of all you need to look at whether you are sending out enough mail to make savings. In general if you send out more than 8 second class letters a day you can make savings from using a franking ma
chine rather than stamped mail.
There are several franking machines available in our range which are more for lower use by small or medium sized businesses.
In the Pitney Bowes range the DM60 franking machine is an ideal starter franking machine. It fits neatly on a desktop being hardly bigger than an A4 sheet o
f paper and is fully digital. It is quiet and can print either onto labels or directly onto envelopes.
Also available in this range, there are two Neopost franking machines, the Neopost IS240 franking machine and the IS280 franking machine. Both are sleek, compact, quiet and easy to use. The IS280 franking machine is the slightly more advanced piece of kit featuring special features including the ability to customise your message on the frank.
Which franking machine is best for medium usage?
We class medium usage as sending out more than 50 second class letters a day. Users that send this amount of mail can send at least £2,470 annually just from switching from stamped to franked mail.
There are 6 possible franking machine options available within this range as detailed here.
The Pitney Bowes DM160i franking machine and the DM220i are similar in look with a slight difference in processing speed – the DM220i being ever so slightly faster and can deal with heavier items.
From Neopost we offer the IS330 franking machine as well as the IN360 and IN600. The IN600 franking machine is bigger than the other two and offers a much faster processing capacity – great if you have large runs of mail to get through such as invoicing or marketing.
Which franking machine is best for processing high volumes of mail?
In the high use category we have 3 types of franking machines available. These are ideal for businesses that process more than 350 items of mail a day. Using a franking machine on these volumes of mail saves around £17,290.00 in comparison to using stamps.
Each of these machines offer advanced specifications for quick and organised mail processing. The Neopost IN700 franking machine offers the fastest processing rate at speeds of 150 letters being franked per minute.
The full range of high volume franking machines can be viewed here.
To speak to one of our mailroom experts and arrange a full mailroom audit Tel: 0845 4900 360 or email sales@totalpost.com