Knowledge Base
6th July 2018 | by Lisa Brightwell | Knowledge Base, News
The mailroom is the hub of every business and is often overlooked. If you do not supply your mailroom with the appropriate equipment, your employees’ knowledge of how to use the equipment to its full efficiency is limited. To maintain a high level of productivity and service the mailroom should be given due consideration to enhance […]
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6th July 2018 | by Lisa Brightwell | Knowledge Base, News
How Much Cheaper Is Mailmark® Franked Mail Compared To Stamps? The simple answer is that Mailmark ® franked mail is much cheaper than stamps. However, how much cheaper depends on what you’re sending. The greatest savings come from sending a 2nd class letter, which saves you £0.19 or 33% for each letter you send. At […]
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20th May 2018 | by Lisa Brightwell | Knowledge Base, Multimedia, News
Royal Mail has invested millions in new technology and has worked together with partners in the mailing industry to bring you the next generation of mail. Mailmark barcodes provide an extra dimension of information: Where mail is and when it’s going out for delivery. Accurate predictions of mail landing allow flexing of resource in your contact […]
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13th May 2018 | by Lisa Brightwell | Knowledge Base, Multimedia, News
Rapid processing and distribution of incoming mail is important for mailroom efficiency and customer satisfaction. In today’s market, opening the post each day by hand is slow and cumbersome and can eat up valuable time from your working day. It can also mean delays in processing cheques, sales orders, customer enquiries or even complaints […]
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4th May 2018 | by Lisa Brightwell | Knowledge Base, News
1. Postal Discounts from Royal Mail Royal Mail has dramatically increased the discounts on franked mail over the past years. This is because, for Royal Mail, handling franked items is a lot cheaper than issuing stamps and processing stamped mail. In order to encourage more businesses to use franking machines, Royal Mail offers bigger discounts […]
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22nd April 2018 | by Lisa Brightwell | Knowledge Base, News
Communications is an aspect of a company that is more often than not ignored or overlooked but surprisingly can contribute significant savings on costs for you and your company. If a company were to make the appropriate and suitable investment regarding potential technologies or services, for example the scanning of documents or mail, they have the […]
Tags: company, digitalise, help, mail, managing, money, proft, revenue, save, Totalpost, your
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17th March 2018 | by Lisa Brightwell | Knowledge Base, News
What are the benefits of Document Scanning for you and your business? There is an ongoing issue throughout a vast array of businesses where managing paper documents simply becomes a nuisance, as all time, money and space is lost in doing so. At Totalpost Mailing Ltd, we provide a service to our clients that ensures a […]
Tags: at, available, benefits, document, of, scanning, Totalpost
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21st January 2018 | by Lisa Brightwell | Knowledge Base, Press Releases
What is the difference between remanufactured and genuine franking machine cartridge inks? Totalpost’s compatible and remanufactured franking machine cartridges are manufactured, assembled and distributed at our factory in Cumbria. Our ink (both red and blue) has been fully tested and approved by Royal Mail. Our cartridges provide the same number of impressions as an Original […]
Tags: Cartridge, Cartridge Remanufacturing, cumbra, franking, ink, machine, mail, royal, Royal Mail, Totalpost, worldwide
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13th April 2018 | by Lisa Brightwell | Knowledge Base
CUT PAPER WASTE Question: It’s been brought to my attention by my office manager that our waste paper recycling costs have gone up by 25% in the last six months. We have had an account review with our recycling contractor and it has come to light that our waste paper volume has gone up. Is […]
Tags: automatic folder, envelopes, invoices, Print and Mailroom Experts, Totalpost, Totalpostcapture solutions, waste paper recycling
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7th April 2018 | by Lisa Brightwell | Knowledge Base
Returned mail is mail that does not reach the recipient and is returned to the sender. If returned mail isn’t dealt with properly, the sender company is effectively wasting paper and resources, failing to update data and causing damage to their reputation as home owners continue to receive the wrong mail. On average when a […]
Tags: direct mail, letters, mail, Returned Mail, Totalpost, white mail
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